
Showing posts from July, 2024

Unit 14 | I was doing(Past Continuous) & I did (Simple Past)

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 14 | I was doing .. I did Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Choose the correct option I work at 9:00 and finished at 9:30. At 2:30 I . (start/started)(work/working) It when we went out. (rain/raining) Jenny asleep while she was reading. (fall/fell) I know exactly, but I was not driving very fast. (do not/don't) How fast you when the police stopped you? (was/were/drive) Carol her arm last week. (break/broke) It happened when she her room. (was/paint) Anna off the ladder. (fall) The train at the station yesterday.(arrive) Yesterday Sue along the road when she met Jim. (walk) Jim (go) to the station to catch the train and he a bag. (carry) The dog last night when the thief broke in.(was/bark) What you when I called last night?(do) She was cooking meal when I . (call) Was

The Hare and a Tortoise- (Past Tense)

Correct Form of the Verb The Hare and a Tortoise-Past Tense In the old days, a hare and a tortoise unlikely friends. The tortoise Select Lived Lives in a pond, while the hare Select Had Built Has Built his burrow nearby. Their friendship Select Was Is smooth sailing, except for one issue - the pride of hare in his speed. He often Select Teased Teases the tortoise for being slow, which Select Hurt Hurts the feelings of tortoise, but he Select Remained Remains silent. One day, the hare Select Boasted Boasts about his speed to other animals and Select Challenged Challenges them to a race. The tortoise surprisingly Select Accepted Accepting the challenge. The hare Select Laughed Laoughing , thinking it was a joke, but the tortoise Select Remained Remains calm. They Select Chose Choose a distant tree as the finishing point and Select Began Begins the race. The hare quickly Select Disappeared Disappearing from sight, but soon Select Stopped

Unit 1| am-is-are

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 2 | am-is-are ....(Questions) Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentencse with singular or plural verb. My name (is/are/am) I 22. (is/are/am) I American. I am from Chicago. (is/are/am) I a student. I am studying Geography. (is/are/am) My father a teacher and my mother a doctor. (is/are/am) I not married. (is/are/am) My favourite colour blue. (is/are/am) Your shoes are nice. they new? (is/are/am) It is Sunday and I going to the Super Mall to buy some groceries. (is/are/am) Are you tired? No I quiet fresh. (is/are/am) What is your father? he a doctor? (is/are/am) My mother a doctor. He works in a private hospital. (is/are/am) John and Mike good students. They work very hard. (is/are/am) We their neighbours. They live near our home.(is/are/am) Sue not interested in her job. (is/are

Unit 2 am-is-are (Questions)

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 2 | am-is-are ....(Questions) Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentencse with singular or plural verb. What your name? My name is David (is/are/am) you married? No, I am not married. I'm single. (is/are/am) How old you? I am 25. (is/are/am) you a student? Yes, I am (is/are/am) your mother at home? Yes, she is at home. (is/are/am) Is your mother a teacher? No, she a teacher. She's a doctor. (is/are/am) it cold in your room? (is/are/am) Your shoes are nice. they new? (is/are/am) I going to the Super Mall to buy some groceries. (is/are/am) Are you tired? No I quiet fresh. (is/are/am) What is your father? he a doctor? (is/are/am) My father a doctor. He works in a private hospital. (is/are/am) John and Mike good students. They work hard. (is/are/am) We their neighbours. They live near ou

Unit 3| (Present Continuous)

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 7 |I don't ... (Present Simple Negative Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentencse with singular or plural verb. Kids are to school now. (go/going/goes/to go) Somebody is at the door. (knock/knocking) The clouds are in the sky at present. (thunder/thundering) We often play cricket and now we are to play.. (go) Jean is hard these days. (work) It is outside now. Yes, it is. (rain/raining) Children their homework at the moment. (do) They tennis and I am watching TV now. (play) I am going to the Super Mall to some garments. (buy) They are all to watch a movie tonight. (go) You are not to me carefully. Pay attention. (listen) You are a coat. Is it very cold today? (wear) John and Mike are the boat. (row) We are for the bus. It's coming. (wait) Sue after her children very well. (look/looking) It

Unit 4| Are you doing ? (Present Continuous Questions)

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 7 |I don't ... (Present Simple Negative Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentencse with singular or plural verb. What are you to do now? (go/going/goes/to go) Who is at the door? (knock/knocking) What is out side? Who is making a noise? (happen/happening) Are you serious? What are you to do with him? (go) Is Paul today? Yes, he is going to work today.(work) Is it raining outside now? Yes, it is at present.(rain/raining) What are children there? (do) Are they tennis or cricket? I do not know. (play) Where are you going? I am going to the Super Mall to some groceries. (buy) Where are all they ? Somebody would like to tell me? (go) Are you to me? I am talking to you. (listen) Why are you a coat? It's very pleasant today. (wear) Is Tom at home? What is he now? (do) Who are you waiting for? Are you f

UNIT 17| Have you ever been? Present Perfect

Correct Form of the Verb Have you ever been to Rome? Yes, I Many times. Have you ever been to Japan. No I Select Have never been Has never been to Japan. I have been to Canada but I Select Has not gone Have not gone to Japan. Traveling is an interesting hobby. It Select Has has has have Has had helped me know about many different cultures. I Select Has tried Have tried to fit in many diverse cultures and traditions. I Select Have traveled Has travel to numerous countries over the past decade, experiencing a variety of cultures and landscapes. Throughout my journeys, I Select Have visited Has visited iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Great Wall of China. I Select Has also tasted Have also tasted exotic cuisines, such as sushi in Tokyo and paella in Barcelona. Each trip Select Has left has leave me with unforgettable memories and stories to share. I Select Have met Has met many fascinating people along the way, fo

UNIT 16| I've just/ I've already/ I have not yet

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 14 | I was doing .. I did Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Choose the correct option Are Diane and Paul here? Yes, they just . (arrive) Are you hungry? No, I just the breakfast. (take) Is Tom here? No, I'm afraid he just . (go) What time Sarah is coming? She already . (arrive) It's only 9 PM and Anne already to the bed. (go) Ali, this is Abdullah. Yes, I know. We already . (meet) Does John know that you are going away? No, I him yet. (tell) Mary a new dress but she has not got the chance to wear it yet. (buy) Diane and Paul yet? No, not yet. We are still waiting for them.(arrive) Linda her new job yet? Yes, she started today.(start) Do Susan and Bill want to see the film? No, they already it. (watch) Don't forget to phone Tim. I already him.(call) When is Max going away? He already for the Unit

Unit 9 |I have ... I've got

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 9 |I don't ... (Present Simple Negative Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentencse with have/has got and haven't or hasn't got. I have blue eyes.(get/got) Tom has two sisters. (get/got) Our car got four doors. (has/have got) Diana is not feeling well. She a headche. (has/have got) They like animals. they have a horse, They got a horse, three dogs and six cats. (get/got) I have a motor-bike but I have not got a car. (has/have) Mr and Mrs Harris haven't any children. (get/got) It's a nice house but it hasn't got garden. (any/an) Have you got a camera? No, I got any (have/has not) What have you got in your bag? Nothing. It's .(empty/full) Has John a car? Yes, he has. What kind of car he got? (has/have) They don't any children. They are very worried. (get/got) They have a very nice

Unit 30| use of might

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 30|Use of Might for future tense (next week etc. Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentence with shall and will (2) Future Tense. I to cinema this evening. I am not sure about. (go) He play the match this evening. I am not sure about it. (may/might) I do not Richeal. He me tonight (know/phone) an umberalla with you, It tonight. (take/rain) "Barbra, a lottery ticket, you lucky this time." (buy/is) Are they to the party tonight? I do not know. They tonight. (go/may ) Are you the match? Sure, It my final today. (play/ be) I am not sure Barbra me this evening. She is very busy today. (meets/will meet) Are you this evening? Yes it my final match. (play/is) Sara very busy today she you this evening. (phone) She is a good friend of mine. She me. (not betray) I am sure she to the party tonight