Unit 9 |I have ... I've got

00:00:00:00 Stop Watch
Unit 9 |I don't ... (Present Simple Negative

Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Complete each sentencse with have/has got and haven't or hasn't got.

  1. I have blue eyes.(get/got)
  2. Tom has two sisters. (get/got)
  3. Our car got four doors. (has/have got)
  4. Diana is not feeling well. She a headche. (has/have got)
  5. They like animals. they have a horse, They got a horse, three dogs and six cats. (get/got)
  6. I have a motor-bike but I have not got a car. (has/have)
  7. Mr and Mrs Harris haven't any children. (get/got)
  8. It's a nice house but it hasn't got garden. (any/an)
  9. Have you got a camera? No, I got any (have/has not)
  10. What have you got in your bag? Nothing. It's .(empty/full)
  11. Has John a car? Yes, he has. What kind of car he got? (has/have)
  12. They don't any children. They are very worried. (get/got)
  13. They have a very nice house but it doesn't any garden. What kind of car he has got? (have/has got)
  14. Does Anne a car. Yes, she has a car. (have/has got)
  15. How much money do you have? I don't have money. (much/many )
  16. Have you an umberalla? (get/got)
  17. Have you a passport? Yes, I have. (get/got)
  18. Does your father a car? (have/has got)
  19. Does Carol many friends? She is very happy with them. (have/has got)
  20. How many brothers and sisters you got? (have/has)
  21. What kind of car Julia has? I don't the maker. (know/knew/known)
  22. Tuna has got a camera and I have a motor-bike. (get/ got)
  23. Tuna has not got a motor-bike and I have not a camera. (get/got)
  24. Sara has not got a car. She everywhere by bicycle. (go/goes)
  25. They like animals and they have three dogs and two cats. (get/got)
  26. Charles isn't happy. He a problem. (have/has got)
  27. They don't read much. They got many books.(have/has)
  28. 'What's wrong?" "I got something in my eyes. (have/has)
  29. 'Where's my pen?' 'I don't . I have not got it. (know/knew)
  30. Julia wants to go to the concert but she hasn't a ticket. (get/got)
  31. I am not very well. I have got a headache. (feel/feeling)
  32. It's a nice house but it hasn't a garge. (have/has got)
  33. Most cares not got two doors. They have are in useful for a small family. (have/has)
  34. Everybody Tom.(like/likes) He very good habits. (have/has got)
  35. I'm going to the dentists this morning. I have a toothach. (get/got)
  36. He can't the door. He the key. (open-haven't/hasn't got)
  37. An insect got many legs but most of the animals have four legs. (get/got)
  38. We must hurry. We haven't got time to reach the station. (much/many)
  39. What is do now? Have you any new idea? (get/got)
  40. Tom I got no message for you. (haven't/hasn't)

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