UNIT 16| I've just/ I've already/ I have not yet

00:00:00:00 Stop Watch
Unit 14 | I was doing .. I did

Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Choose the correct option

  1. Are Diane and Paul here? Yes, they just . (arrive)
  2. Are you hungry? No, I just the breakfast. (take)
  3. Is Tom here? No, I'm afraid he just . (go)
  4. What time Sarah is coming? She already . (arrive)
  5. It's only 9 PM and Anne already to the bed. (go)
  6. Ali, this is Abdullah. Yes, I know. We already . (meet)
  7. Does John know that you are going away? No, I him yet. (tell)
  8. Mary a new dress but she has not got the chance to wear it yet. (buy)
  9. Diane and Paul yet? No, not yet. We are still waiting for them.(arrive)
  10. Linda her new job yet? Yes, she started today.(start)
  11. Do Susan and Bill want to see the film? No, they already it. (watch)
  12. Don't forget to phone Tim. I already him.(call)
  13. When is Max going away? He already for the United States. (leave)
  14. Do you want to read the newspaper? I already it.(read)
  15. When does Linda starts her new job? She already it.(start)
  16. you your new job yet?(started)
  17. you a letter yet?(write)
  18. you your new neighbors yet? (meet)
  19. Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he it now.(sell)

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