Unit 30| use of might

00:00:00:00 Stop Watch
Unit 30|Use of Might for future tense (next week etc.

Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Complete each sentence with shall and will (2) Future Tense.

  1. I to cinema this evening. I am not sure about. (go)
  2. He play the match this evening. I am not sure about it. (may/might)
  3. I do not Richeal. He me tonight (know/phone)
  4. an umberalla with you, It tonight. (take/rain)
  5. "Barbra, a lottery ticket, you lucky this time." (buy/is)
  6. Are they to the party tonight? I do not know. They tonight. (go/may )
  7. Are you the match? Sure, It my final today. (play/ be)
  8. I am not sure Barbra me this evening. She is very busy today. (meets/will meet)
  9. Are you this evening? Yes it my final match. (play/is)
  10. Sara very busy today she you this evening. (phone)
  11. She is a good friend of mine. She me. (not betray) I am sure she to the party tonight.(comes/will come)
  12. She tennis at present she does not it regularly. (play/not play)
  13. She is not well today. She to swimming, and at present she at home.(go/goes/is)
  14. They used to in this country, but I am not sure they here or not.(live/are)
  15. His eyesight is weak, so he glasses, but he does not them regularly. (wear/wears)
  16. The building used to a hotel, but now it a wedding hall.(be/is/are)
  17. She is long hair now. Once she used long hair.(having/have)
  18. It is raining at present, so people for shopping to city center. (go)
  19. Last night I did not Sarah. She might out station.(see/be)
  20. I do not soccer every weekend.(play) So, I the final match. (play/playing/to play)
  21. Now they are in London. Once she used in New York. (live/lives)
  22. We see you this evening. We are on summer holidays.(may/go)
  23. He has left the office. He there at the bus station. (be/is)
  24. They are very good neighbours. They us tonight. We have them to the party. (will/join/joins/invite)
  25. My brother is a driver. He at home at present. He for a company. (might/work)
  26. My dog does not at stranger.(bark) He any one (bite)
  27. She a good reader. She this novel, too. (is/might/must have)
  28. I am not sure he will jogging this morning. (go)
  29. He likes on picnics. He will not this chance. (go/miss)
  30. We are not going to picnic this evening. We some guests tonight. (have)
  31. She likes cookies very much. She cooking at present. (may/might be)
  32. They camping every year.(like) Now they on holidays. (must/go)
  33. He likes soccer matches. He must be watching TV this evening. (watch)
  34. I like to stay at home tonight. I have my assignments. (finish) But I shall you tomorrow. (shall join/joins)
  35. When he was a child, he used to chacholates. (eat) But, now he them. (may/might eat)
  36. I used a lot of novels in my childhood. (read) But I don not much time these days. (have)
  37. Liza has many good friends. She be in the party somewhere.(may/might). But I am about it (not sure)
  38. They used to in the same street.(play) But they play now. (play/might play)
  39. Ann is a good worker. She her job. She very hard working. (may miss/is)
  40. When I was a child I did not tomatoes (eat)
  41. Where did you last night? (go) I did not you yesterday night. (see)
  42. I am in a hurry. I am afraid I my bus. I do not want to it. (may/might/miss/missing)
  43. We up early. (may/might/get)
  44. Are you going TV tonight? I . (may/might)
  45. Where is Ann? She at the club. She to play tennis today. (may/might/want)
  46. There are some clouds in the sky. It heavily tonight. (rain)
  47. Will you be at home tomorrow morning? (may/might)
  48. Are you working tomorrow? No, I working tomorrow. (is not/am not)
  49. I out this evening. It is very cloudy. (may/might)
  50. Are you going for this evening? It is very pleasant. (shop/shopping)
  51. I to school this morning. It is raining outside (may/might)
  52. She watch the match this evening. I am not sure about it. (/may/might)
  53. I do not Sarah. She her mother today (know/phone)
  54. It is going to rain . your umberalla with you. It heavily today. (take/rain)
  55. He must a lottery ticket. I hope he lucky this time. (buy/will/would be)
  56. Are you to the meeting today? Yes. We meeting today. (go/will/shall have)
  57. Are you tennis? Sure, It my daily routine. (go/be)
  58. I am not sure my uncle me this evening. He has very busy schedule. (meets/will meet)
  59. Are you to party tonight? Yes it my best friend's birthday. (play/is)
  60. Sara has got very busy schedule. She the party this evening. (join)

  61. Your Feedback:


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