Six Basic Riules in English - Rule No 6

Six Basic Grammar Rules in English 

Rule No. 6
Phrase or Clauses takes a Singular Verb:
Phrase: is a group of words that can be used as a subject in the sentence.
Clause: a clause has its own subject and predicate.
1. Singular nouns: "The cat sleeps."
2. Singular pronouns: "He/she/it goes."
3. Collective nouns (when considered as a unit): "The family is going on vacation."
4. Phrases that function as a single unit: "The man in the corner is talking."
5. Clauses beginning with "what," "who," or "which": "What she said is true."
6. Clauses beginning with "there" or "here": "There is a book on the table."
7. Clauses beginning with "how much" or "how many": "How much money is in the account?"
8. Phrases that function as a single adjective: "The only one left is John.
Some specific phrases:
9- A number of (when referring to a single quantity)
10- A lot of (when referring to a single quantity)
11- A total of (when referring to a single quantity)
12- The majority (when referring to a single group)
13- The rest (when referring to a single group)
14- The rest of (when referring to a single group)

Choose the correct option of the following: 00:00:00:00

1. My lovely cat  _____  on the bed.    

ANSWER= (C)  sleeps 
Explanation:  My lovely cat sleeps on the bed.   

2. The only one is left  ____ Micheal

ANSWER= (B) is   
Explanation: The only one left is Micheal.  

3. ____ there any books on the table? 

ANSWER= (A) Are 
Explanation:   Are there any books on the table?     

4. What she said ____ true.      

ANSWER= (A) is
Explanation:   "what she said" is a clause saved".

5. The man in the corner always ____ much.     

ANSWER= (B) talks 
Explanation:   'man' is a singular noun.    

6. The family  ____ on vacation. 

ANSWER= (B)  is 
Explanation:   "family" is a unit, as a collective noun. 'Family' are dinning in the hall. 

7. All that _____ is not gold. 

ANSWER= (B) glitters 
Explanation:    'all that glitters' is a clause and takes a singular noun.

8. All that matters ______ love. 

ANSWER= (C)   is 
Explanation:    'all that matter' is a clause.    

9. The answer _____ 'Yes.'  

ANSWER= (C) is 
Explanation:    'answer' is a singular noun.

10. The majority  _____ often wrong.

ANSWER= (C) is 
Explanation:     The majority is often wrong.

11. The truth ____ rarely simple.  

ANSWER= (B) is   
Explanation:   We have eaten the meal. 

12. The whole _____  greater than the sum of its parts

ANSWER= (B) is    
Explanation:   The birds have flown away.

13. How much money ____ in the account?  

ANSWER= (D) is    
Explanation:   'Money' takes a singular noun. Money makes the mare go.

14. Northing ____ out of the sack that was put in it

ANSWER= (C) comes   
Explanation:    'Nothing' is a singular noun.

15. The end ____ near now

ANSWER= (C) is    
Explanation:     'end' is a singular noun.  

16. The result is what ______ now.  

ANSWER= (C) matters 
Explanation:     'matter' is a singular noun.  

17. The whole thing _____ a that he does not want to be.

ANSWER= (D) is 
Explanation:   'whole thing' is a singular noun.   

18.  The answer ____ not always easy.   

ANSWER= (C) is 
Explanation: "answer" is a singular noun.    

19. Inquire into nature often _____ to find the truth.    

ANSWER= (C)  leads
Explanation: A phrase takes a singular noun.       

20. The sum and substance of his speech _____ that democracy ____ better than dictatorship.   

ANSWER= (B) is   
Explanation:   "Sum and substance" is a singular noun.    

Click to attempt:

Six Basic Rules. No. 1 

Six Basic Rules No 2

Six Basic Rules No. 3 

Six Basic Rules No. 4 

Six Basic Rules No. 5


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