Singular and Plural Verbs

English Speaking Course

Self-Assessment Test No. 14

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Present Perfect Tense
Subject + has / have + Past Participle 
Use 'Has' with he, she, it & singular nouns
  • She has learnt the poem.
  • He has taken the examination.
  • John has done nothing to me wrong.
  • He has not made any mistakes.
Use 'Have' with I, we, they, you & plural nouns
  • They have learnt the lesson today.
  • I have taken the examination.
  • Children have done nothing to me wrong.
  • You have not made any mistakes.
Adverbs of time:
already, so far, just now, earlier, yet etc. are used in the Perfect Tense.
Mark the Self-assessment Test till you get all green balls.

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