Verb Corrections No 1- MDCAT

Quizzes Of Grammar

Verb Corrections- Self-Assessment Test

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Modal Verbs  
Use of Modal Verbs in English is very important. They are can, could, would, should, must, will, shall, might, ought to. 
He can solve all the questions. (Present Tense)
He could solve only two questions in the paper. (Past Tense)
  • Each day and each hour will bring a new change.
  • Everyone can have his own duties.
  • Either of you could take the money.
  • Neither of us would do his work.
  • One of them might have gone back.
Semi-modal verbs
need & dare
  • They need not worry about. 
  • He need pay full attention to his studies.
  • Need you have paid much? 
  • How dare you come in?
  • He dare not speak before him. 
Modal verbs 
had better, used to 
He had better leave now.
You had better stop this activity. 
He used to play cricket in school.


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