Causative Verbs in English


Use of Causative Verbs

Let      Get      Have      Make            Help

Let + person/thing + Base form of the verb


1.           Let her come in.

2.           Let Ali go.

3.           Let the door open. Let me open the door.

4.     Let the light be on.

Open the door. (AV)

Let the door be opened.

She did not sing

1. اسے اندر آنے دو۔

2. علی کو جانے دو۔

3. دروازہ کھولنے دو۔


Get+ Person+ to Infinitive

Get+ Thing + Past Participle 


1.           She got her brother +  to drop her at college.

2.           I get my brother to drop me at college.

3.           I have got my brother to drop me at college.

4.           I got my friend to type my notes.

5. I got my notes typed (3rd form) by my friend.

6. Get your hair cut. (3rd)

1. اس نے اپنے بھائی کو کالج میں ڈراپ کرنے کے لیے کہا ۔

2. میں اپنے بھائی کو کالج میں ڈراپ کرنے کے لیے کہتا ہوں۔

3. میں نے اپنے بھائی کو کالج میں ڈراپ کرنے کے لیے کہا ہے۔

4. میں نے اپنے دوست کو اپنے نوٹس ٹائپ کرواۓ ۔

5. میں نے اپنے دوست کی طرف سے ٹائپ کیے ہوئے نوٹ حاصل کیے ہیں۔

6. اپنے بال کٹوائیں۔

Good     Better        Best 

This book is better that than that.

This flower is more beautiful than that.

Exercise: 1

1. I let my brother _______ (borrow) my bike for the weekend.

2. She ______ (get) her hair cut every month.

3. They _____ (let) their children _______ (stay up) late on weekends.

4. He _____ (get) his house painted by a professional last year.

5. The teacher _____ (let) the students use their calculators during the exam.

6. We ______ (get) our car ______ (wash) at the car wash.

7. She _____ (let) her dog ______ (sleep) on the bed.

8. They _____ (get) their computer _______ (repair) by a technician.

9. The boss always _____ (let) employees _____ (take) short breaks during the workday.

10. He ____ (get) his suit _____ (dry-clean) before the wedding.

Previous Lessons:

Do as Directed

Parts of Speech

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Have + person / thing

(Facilities, Services) 

Have + Person + Base form of verb


1. I have my servants wash my clothes.

2. I have my mother cook my meal.

Have + Thing + Past Participle

3. I had my meal cooked by my mother.

Make + base form
(Active Voice)
4. She was made to understand the concept by me.
  But she didn't get it thoroughly. Anyhow, I shall keep myself to make her understand. 

5. The teacher made the students write an essay.
6. My mother makes me solve all the questions.
Make + Infinitive
(Passive Voice)
7. The students were made to write an essay.
8. He was made to paint my house.

(assistance, help)

9. Swimming helps me relax.
10. Swimming helps me to relax.
11. Creative writing will help you to understand the grammatical concepts thoroughly. We learn how to extend the passage or we can make it short.

Go and do some swimming. It will help you to relax.

12. I went to shop the books.
13. I went shopping.

14. We went fishing.

15. I forgot bringing my fee.
16. I forgot to bring my fee.

15. We cannot afford buying these shoes.

17. I remembered to bring my fee.
18. I bought some books to distribute.

20. We have eaten a meal.

21. I have not eaten anything since morning.

21. We have been watching TV since morning.

22. We have been sitting, watching, chatting, and reading since morning.

23. We have sat watching, chatting, reading since morning.

Assignment No. 2 (use causative verb)

1. She ______ (read) a book every night.

Reading books helps her to gain knowledge. 

2. They ______ (play) soccer every weekend.

We made them play soccer every weekend.

They made us play soccer every weekend.

We were made to play...

They were made to play....

3. I ______ (work) at a restaurant these days.

I made her work at a restuarant.

I was made to work at a restuarant.

4. He ______ (study) for his exams.

5. We ______ (watch) a movie tonight.

6. You ______ (drink) coffee in the morning.

You have coffee made you alert.

I have my mother make coffee for me.

I get my mother to make coffee for me.

Coffee helps me awake

7. The dog ______ (bark) loudly every night.

8. She ______ (dance) beautifully now.

9. They ______ (travel) around the world at present.

10. I ______ (write) in my journal since morning.

11. She ______ (read) a book when I saw her.

12. They ______ (play) soccer every weekend.

13. I ______ (work) at a restaurant last year.

14. He ______ (study) for his exams last night.

15. We ______ (watch) a movie last night.

16. You ______ (drink) coffee in the morning.

17. The dog ______ (bark) loudly when I saw it.

18. They ______ (dance) beautifully yesterday.

19. We ______ (travel) around the world before they started last year.

20. I ______ (write) in my journal all day yesterday.

Assignment No. 3

1. She ______ (let) her sister borrow her car yesterday.
2. They ______ (get) their house cleaned every week.
3. I ______ (have) my hair cut at the salon yesterday.
4. He ______ (made) his friend do his homework for him.
5. We shall ______ (help) our neighbour move to a new apartment last month.
6. You ______ (let) your friend use your computer for the presentation.
7. The dog ______ (got) its owner to throw the ball.
8. She ______ (had) her car repaired at the mechanic's shop.
9. They will ______ (make) their children clean their rooms before going out.
10. I ______ (help) my colleague prepare for the presentation.
11. She ______ (let) her children stay up late to watch a movie.
12. They ______ (get) their car washed at the car wash.
13. I ______ (had) my house painted last week.
14. He will ______ (make) his sister bake him a cake for his birthday.
15. We ______ (help) our friend find a new job.
16. You ______ (let) your friend borrow your laptop for the weekend.
17. The teacher ______ (got) the students to complete their assignments on time.
18. She ______ (had) her dress tailored for the special occasion.
19. They ______ (make) their employees attend a training workshop.
20. I ______ (help) my neighbour fix their leaky faucet.

I enjoyed the tea.
I enjoyed myself by taking tea.
We enjoyed at the party. (incorrect)
We enjoyed the party.
We enjoyed ourselves at the party.

Students work:


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