Do As Directed


Change of Tense

(Do as directed…)

1.         She likes to play tennis today.

2.         She liked to play tennis yesterday.

3.         She will play tennis tomorrow.

4.         She is watching TV now.

5.         She was watching TV then.

6.         We are writing an essay on Examination today.

7.         We were writing an essay on Exa yesterday.

8.         A movie was being watched by them.

9.         Did he take the exam last year?

10.    Does he take the exam this year?

11.    I have written a letter today.

12.    I had written a letter before I received it yesterday.

13.    You did your matric. Your father did his matric.

14.    Your father had done his matric before you did yours.

15.    A movie was being watched by them.

16.    She will be singing a song. (AV)

17.    A song is going to be sung by her. (PV)

18.    I have broken a mirror. (Past Participle)

19.    I have a broken mirror. (Past Participle Adjective)

20.    We have done our homework.


1. He plays tennis every Sunday. (into future tense)

Answer: He will play tennis next Sunday.

2. They are going to the beach tomorrow. (into past tense)

3. I have finished my homework already. (into future tense)

4. The dog barks at strangers. (into past tense)

5. We will visit the museum next week. (into present tense)

6. She sings beautifully. (into past tense)

7. They are eating dinner right now. (into future tense)

8. He has lived in that city for five years. (into past tense)

9. I am going to the party tonight. (into past tense)

10. The train arrives at 8 a.m. (into future tense)

11. She will bake a cake for her birthday. (into present tense)

12. They have studied French for two years. (into future tense)

13. I watched a movie yesterday. (into present tense)

14. The birds are chirping in the trees. (into past tense)

15. We are going on a vacation next month. (into past tense)

16. He has worked at the company since 2010. (into future tense)

17. She is playing the piano right now. (into past tense)

18. They have visited Europe twice. (into past tense)

19. I will finish writing the report by tomorrow. (into past tense)

20. The concert starts at 7 p.m. (into future tense)

Other Lessons:

Causative Verbs

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