Parts of Speech in English

Every day
I hear a very common sentence, i.e. "How can we improve my basic grammar". How can I quickly improve my grammar? I reply to this question that English is a very easy and interesting language, which starts with " I". Following are a few special steps (Daily One Exercise) which can help you to learn the English language easily:  

  1. "I" is a personal pronoun, which is spoken by the speaker when he/she expresses or reveals his/her feelings.
  2. Personal pronoun, "I" takes the following auxiliary verbs, such as, am, have, was, shall, e.g.
    I am a student.
    I have many books.
    I was not absent yesterday.
    I shall work hard to win the match.
  3. "Subject + Verb + Object" is used in active voice sentences, and
  4. "Object + auxiliary verb + Past Participle of the main verb+ Prepositional phrase.
  5. I am interested in my studies.
  6. They are amazed at her response.
  7. The use of Past Participle and Present Participle will help you a lot to learn English grammar.  
  8. I have broken a mirror. ('broken' is past participle here), and
  9. I have a broken mirror. ('broken' is past participle adjective)
  10. I am breaking a news. ('breaking' is present participle here), and
  11. I have got a breaking news. ('breaking' is present participle adjective)
  12. Concepts of Present Participle, Present Participle Adjective, Past Participle, and Past Participle Adjective will boost up your grammatical concepts.
                                    Parts of Speech
A noun is a naming word
For Example: 
name of person, thing, or place etc. There are some common and proper nouns.
'John' is a proper noun, and 'boy' is a common noun. 'England' is a proper noun, and 'country' is a common noun.

A verb is a word that shows some link or action. 
For example: 
He plays cricket daily.
She is singing a song.
Linking Verb:
They are good players

An adjective is a word that defines a noun. 
For example:
I have a good pen. 'good' is a word that defines a noun, 'pen'

An adverb is a word that defines a verb. 
For example:
I have a good pen. This pen writes smoothly.

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun. For example: 
Ali is a good student. He is a gentle boy. ('he' is a pronoun) 

A preposition is a word that links two nouns together.
For Example:
I have got a bunch of keys. ('of' is a preposition)

A conjunction is a word that links two or more sentences. 
For example: 
I am watching T.V and my brother is playing cricket. ('and' is conjunction)

An interjection is a word that shows an expression or exclamation. 
For Example:
Alas! I am lost.
Hurrah! we have won the match.

A determiner is a word that determines a noun.
For example:
I have a good book. ('a' is a determiner that is called an indefinite article.
Ali is the boy that has got first position in the class.

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