Full Length Paper No.1 Part 2

English Full-Length Paper Part I 

Choose the correct option and then see the correct answers- Objective (20) 
1. These millions of stars are wandering about in space. 

ANSWER= (C) Roaming  
Explanation: Wandering, Roving, Rambling, Meandering, Drifting, Sauntering, Ambling, Strolling, Traipsing, Prowling.   

2. All of us benefited greatly. 

ANSWER= (C) gaining     
Explanation:  Acquiring, obtaining, attaining, securing, earning, winning, achieving, procuring, amassing, accumulating    

3. The boy himself can eradicate his nervous habit.

ANSWER= (B) eliminate  
Explanation: Eliminate, remove, exterminate, abolish, annihilate, extinguish, obliterate, wipe out, uproot, stamp out   

4. What an acquisition I should be to a class.

ANSWER= (A) attainment 
Explanation: Achievement, accomplishment, realization, fulfillment, success  

5. And their will prevailed in the paper.

ANSWER= (B) ordeal 
Explanation: trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma, hardship, challenge, suffering, difficulty. etc.   

6. About half of this gigantic area is mainly under French control.

ANSWER= (B) Colossal 
Explanation: enormous, gigantic, immense, colossal, vast, mammoth. etc. etc.   

7. The house itself was ugly and pretentious.

ANSWER= (B) Hideous 
Explanation: unattractive, hideous, plain, unpleasant, nasty, alarming, disagreeable, repulsive., etc.   

8. There came to him stired by the warmth of the fire.

ANSWER= (B) affected 
Explanation: Mixed, Blended, Agitated, Beat, Whipped, Twitched, Quivered, Trembled, Disturbed, Rustled, etc.   

9. Where he boarded in a small farmhouse.

ANSWER= (B) resided 
Explanation: Embarked, Entered, Mounted, Ascended, Lodged, Resided, Roomed, Put up, etc. etc.   

10. He was not, despite his long years of assiduous teaching. 

ANSWER= (C) diligent 
Explanation: Industrious, Hard-working, Assiduous, Conscientious, Meticulous, Persistent, Tireless, Attentive,etc.    

11. She belongs _____ noble family.

ANSWER= (A) to
Explanation: "She belongs to one eye.

12. Akram is blind ____ one eye. 

ANSWER= (D) in 
Explanation: Akram is blind in one eye.     

13. They burst _____ tear.

ANSWER= (C) into  
Explanation:  They burst into tears.

14. She takes _____ her mother.  

ANSWER= (B) after  
Explanation: She takes after her mother.   

15. She is fond _____ book reading. 

ANSWER= (D) of  
Explanation: She is fond of book reading.   

16. Each of us has paid their dues.. 

ANSWER= (D) Each of us has paid his dues.  
Explanation: Indefinite pronoun, each, takes singular verb and singular poesses pronoun. 

17. This pen is my.

ANSWER= (C) This pen is mine.
Explanation: Use of possessive pronoun.   

18. It is I who is to blame. 

ANSWER= (B) It .is I who am to blame.
Explanation: Verb is used according to the main subject of the sentense.  

19. Unless he does not work hard, he can not pass the exam.

ANSWER= (C) Unless he works hard, he can not pass the exam. 
Explanation:  First conditional sentense.  

20. One should do his duty. 

ANSWER= (C) One should do one's duty.
Explanation: Possessive Pronouns   
<b>Modern Prose 1-8</b>


Q.2 Modern Prose 1-8
Answer any SIX of the the following questions: (12 Marks)
1. Where is there mo life in the universe except on the Earth?
2. How has scientific method helped us today?
3. How does mistaken ambition lead to boy's failure?
4. What were David Daiches's unfulfilled ambitions?
5. How have scientific method protect the babies today?
6. What is the importance of sportsmanship in college?
7. How did Jerome K Jerome get rid of his books?
8. Where did Stephen Leacock keep his money after his misadventure in the bank?
9. How did China make progress in industry?

Q.3 Modern Heroes 1-3 (12 Marks)
1. Why did Churchill not do well well in his exam?
2. What were Churchill's favourite subjects?
3. What were the salient features of Ghardaia village?
4. Describe Christopher's journey in land of Thurst and Death.
5. What were antibiotics and antibiotics method?
6. How did Fleming discover penicillin?
7. What were the chief defects if carbolic acid?
8. What do you know about Profesor Claude balanguernon?

Q.4 Good Bye Mr Chips 1-10 -Attempte any 8 questions (12 Marks)
1. Describe Chips' preliminary interview with Whetherby?
2. How did measure his time at Mrs.Wickett's?
3. Describe Brookfield School?
4. What were the type of people Brookfield produce?
5. What is the most interesting incident of the novel?
6. What did Chips remember living at Mrs Wickett's?
7. What was the condition of Chips's room at Mrs
8. Why was Chips liked by Katherine in spite of his old age?
9. Why Chipping was called Mr. Chips?
10. How did Katherine improve Chips sense of humour and his views?
11. How would you rate Mr. Chips's marriage?
12. Describe Katherine's tragic death.

Q.5 Make sentenses any FIVE of the following idioms. (10 Marks)
once in a blue moon, blue blood, by hook or by crook, get over, cats and dogs life, leave in the lurch, bring into, at the eleventh hour, a burning question

Q.6 Write any ONE essay on the follwoing: (15 Marks)
1- My Hobby
2-My Aim in Life
3-Wonders of Science
4-Use of Mobile Phone

Q.7 Translate into English (15 Marks)صحت ایک عظیم دولت ہے. جب کوئی صحت مند ہوتا ہے تو اسے صحت کی اہمیت محسوس نہیں ہوتی۔ جب کوئی بیمار ہوتا ہے تو وہ پینے، کھانے، چلنے پھرنے اور سونے میں لطف اندوز ہوتا ہے۔ اسے علاج پر پیسہ خرچ کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ ایک بیمار شخص نہ صرف اپنے لیے بوجھ ہوتا ہے بلکہ وہ اپنے گھر والوں کے لیے بھی زندہ لاش ہوتا ہے۔


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