Pair of Words 1-100 (Notes)

Pair of Words

Pairs of Words (Notes)

Question 1: Makes sentences of the following Pair of words (1-10)
" 1. Able, Capable 2. Accept, Except 3. Access, Excess 4. Accident, Incident 5. Accuse, Blame 6. Advice, advise 7. Add, Aid 8. Affect, Effect 9. Air, Heir 10. Amity, Enmity

Question 2: Makes sentences of the following Pair of Words (11-20)
11. Ascent, Assent 12. Aught, Ought 13. Adapt, Adopt 14. Abstain, Refrain 15. Accede, Concede, Exceed 16. Admit, Confess 17. Affecttion, Affectation 18. Vocation, Vacation, Avocation 19. Adverse, Averse 20. Addition, Edition

Question 3: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (21-30)
21. Abject, Object 22. Allowed, Aloud 23. Altar, Alter 24. Ail, Ale 25. Aisle, Isle 26. Areas, Arrears 27. Artist, Artiste, Artisan 28. Alloy, Ally 29. Angle, Angel 30. Alternate, Alternative

Question 4: Makes sentences of the following Pair of Words (31-40)
31. Amiable, Amicable 32. Among, between 33. Ancient, old 34. Allusion, Illusion 35. Apposite, Opposite 36. Assay, Essay 37. Audiable, Edible 38. Aural, Oral 39. Bad, Bade 40. Bail, Bale

Question 5: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (41-50)
41. Ballad, Ballet, Ballot 42. Bare, Bear, Beer, Bier 43. Baron, Barren, Buy, By 44. Base, Bass 45. Beat, Beet 46. Beech, Beach 47. Beneficent, Benficial 48. Beside, Besides 49. Bleed, Blood 50. Boar, Brore

Question 6: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (51-60)
51. Born, Borne 52. Bough, Bow 53. Bridal, Bridle 54. Berth, Birth 55. Brake, Break 56. Calander, Calender 57. Cannon, Canon 58. Canvas, Canvase 59. Cast, Cost 60. Cattle, Kettle

Question 7: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (61-70)
61. Casual, Causal 62. Cease, Seize 63. Ceiling, Roof 64. Cell, Sell 65. Cemetry, Symmetry 66. Censor, Censure 67. Cereal, Serial 68. Ceremonial, Ceremonious 69. Check, Cheque 70. Childish, Childlike

Question 8: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (71-80)
71.Chord, Cord 72. Cite, Site, Sight 73. Climate, Weather, Season 74. Cloth, Clothe 75. Coma, Comma 76. Command, Commend 77. Compare, Compere 78. Compliment, Complement 79. Conprehensible, Comprehensive 80. Conscious, Conscience, Conscientious

Question 9: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (81-90)
81. Caution, Cautious 82. Consul, Consel, Council 83. Continual, Continous 84. Cool, Cold 85. Clock, Cloak 86. Corpse, Corps 87. Considerable, Considerate 88. Confident, Confidant 89. Course, Coarse 80. Corporeal, Corpal

Question 10: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (91-100)
91. Credible, Credulous, Creditable 92. Crime, Sin 93. Cue, Queue 94. Custom, Habit 95. Dairy, Diary 96. Dam, Damn, Dame 97. Dear, Deer 98. Decent, Descent 99. Deny, Refuse 100. Dependant, Dependent


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