34| I have to and I had to

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Unit 33|Use of Should

Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Complete each sentence with 'have to' 'has to'.

  1. You obey your parents.[advice]
  2. She arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview to make a good impression. [Advice]
  3. Students have to their homework before watching TV. [complete/bligation]
  4. She take the earlier flight to avoid the traffic. [have/Regret]
  5. You wear a seatbelt while driving. [Recommendation/Safety guideline]
  6. The company prioritize customer satisfaction. [Moral/Professional obligation]
  7. He have apologzie for his mistake. [apologize/Moral/Moral regret]
  8. Citizens exercise their right to vote. [exercise/Civic duty/Obligation]
  9. The teacher has to clear instructions for the assignment. [provide/Professional obligation]
  10. You consider seeking medical attention if the symptoms persist. [Medical advice/Recommendation]
  11. Governments invest more in renewable energy sources. [invest/Policy recommendation/Moral obligation]
  12. Employees report any workplace hazards to their supervisor immediately. [report/Professional obligation]
  13. You check your battery of phone before leaving home. [check/Practical advice]
  14. The government has to funding for public schools to promote literacy.[increase/recommendation]
  15. She repay her words. [Regret/Moral reflection]
  16. Students reach on time for their exams. [reach/Academic obligation]
  17. Companies save its data for protection. [save/Professional obligation]
  18. You take at least eight glasses of water a day. [take/Health recommendation]
  19. The manager provide regular feedback to team members. [Professional guideline]
  20. We have to electric buses for using public transport. [use/Environmental recommendation]
  21. Parents monitor online activities of their children. [Parental responsibility/Obligation]
  22. The hotel provide complimentary breakfast for its guests. [Customer service expectation]
  23. You have to your software regularly for security patches. [update/Technical advice]
  24. Government priortize affordable housing initiatives. [priortize/Social policy recommendation]
  25. They be more considerate of feelings to others. [Moral reflection/Regret]
  26. Employees have to regular breaks to maintain productivity. [take/Health and wellness advice]
  27. Companies keep their environmental impact policies. [Transparency obligation]
  28. Students proofread their assignments before submission. [Academic guidance]
  29. You have to a doctor before starting any new exercise routine. [counsult/Medical advice]
  30. The city government invest in renewable energy sources. [invest/Sustainability recommendation]
  31. Parents have to limits on their screen time of children. [set/Parental guidance/Obligation]
  32. You try this new restaurant in the city. (Recommendation/try)
  33. I advise him more often. (advise/exercise)
  34. She focus on her studies. (Suggestion/focus)
  35. We have to early to avoid traffic. (Recommendation/leave)
  36. They invest in renewable energy. (Advice/invest)
  37. I have studied harder for the exam. (Regret/have)
  38. You have tell me earlier. (Regret/Wish/tell)
  39. She has to the job offer. (advice/take)
  40. We leave earlier. (Regret/have)
  41. They invest more in the company. (Regret/Advice/invest)
  42. You have act differently. (Regret/act)
  43. She has to her immediately. (obligation/help)
  44. They make a lot of profit. ( Advice/make)
  45. It has be got ready by tomorrow. (Expectation/be)
  46. This has done about an hour to finish. (Prediction/be)
  47. You have work hard to finsih it. (Advice/to)
  48. I had not eat spicy food last night. (Regret/to)
  49. The team follow the rules and regulations. (Polite Advice/follow)
  50. You have to it again. I strongly recommend it! (Recommendation/try)

  51. Your Feedback:


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