
Showing posts from August, 2024

Pair of Words 1-100 (Notes)

Pair of Words Pairs of Words (Notes) Question 1: Makes sentences of the following Pair of words (1-10) " 1. Able, Capable 2. Accept, Except 3. Access, Excess 4. Accident, Incident 5. Accuse, Blame 6. Advice, advise 7. Add, Aid 8. Affect, Effect 9. Air, Heir 10. Amity, Enmity Show Correct Answer Write your name and Send via WhatsApp Question 2: Makes sentences of the following Pair of Words (11-20) 11. Ascent, Assent 12. Aught, Ought 13. Adapt, Adopt 14. Abstain, Refrain 15. Accede, Concede, Exceed 16. Admit, Confess 17. Affecttion, Affectation 18. Vocation, Vacation, Avocation 19. Adverse, Averse 20. Addition, Edition Show Correct Answer Write your name and Send via WhatsApp Question 3: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (21-30) 21. Abject, Object 22. Allowed, Aloud 23. Altar, Alter 24. Ail, Ale 25. Aisle, Isle 26. Areas, Arrears 27. Artist, Artiste, Artisa...

O Where Are You Going? No 4

Explanation of Stanza Explanation and Questions Question 1: Explain with Reference to Context : "O what was that bird," said horror to hearer, "Did you see that shape in the twisted trees? Behind you swiftly the figure comes softly, the spot on your sking is shocking disease?" Show Correct Answer Save and Send via WhatsApp Q. 2: What do you feel after reading the poem? 3. Wjat dpes tje tot;e pf tje [ep, signify? 4. What does the reader tell the rider about the valley? 5. How does the reader discourge the rider? Show Correct Answer Save and Send via WhatsApp 6: What kind of the person the Rider is? 7. How will you differentiate the Rider from the Reader? Show Correct Answer Save and Send via WhatsApp ...

Short Plays - MCQs and Questions - Book 3

Short Plays MCQs and Questions" Play No 1 | Heat Lightning Play No 2 | Visit to a Small Planet Play No 3 | The Oyster and the Pearl Unit No 3 | Simple Present Unit No 4 |Simple Present Unit No 5 | Simple Present Your Feedback: WhatsApp Quit

Translate into Urdu Book I

Urdu Translation Book I Translate into Urdu No. 1: Translate the following passage into Urdu Inside the carton was a push-button unit fastened to a small wooden box. A glass dome covered the button. Norma tried to lift it off, but it was locked in place. She turned the unit over and saw a folded piece of paper scotch-taped to the bottom of the box. She pulled it off: "Mr. Steward will call on you at 8.00 P.M." Norma put the button unit beside her on the couch. She reread the typed note, smiling. A few moments later, she went back into the kitchen to make the salad. Show Correct Sentences WhatsApp No.2 Translate the following passage into Urdu: They went into the living room and Mr. Steward sat in Norma's chair. He reached into an inside coat pocket and withdrew a small sealed envelope. "Inside here is a key to the bell-unit dome," he said. He set the envelope on the chair side table. "The bell is connected to our office. ...

33| Should

00:00:00:00 Start Reset Stop Watch Unit 33|Use of Should Use the Correct form of the Verb Instructions: Complete each sentence with must must not need not etc. You obey your parents.[advice] You arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview to make a good impression. [Advice] Students should their homework before watching TV. [complete/bligation] She should taken the earlier flight to avoid the traffic. [have/Regret] You always wear a seatbelt while driving. [Recommendation/Safety guideline] The company prioritize customer satisfaction. [Moral/Professional obligation] He should have for his mistake. [apologize/Moral/Moral regret] Citizens should their right to vote. [exercise/Civic duty/Obligation] The teacher should clear instructions for the assignment. [provide/Professional obligation] You consider seeking medical attention if the symptoms persist. [Medical advice/Recommen...

Prep Tests for all Questions P1

English Part I No 1| Pair of Words No 2 | Explanations and Questions No 3 | Questions Answers of Book 1 No 4 |Translate into Urdu No 5 | Moral Stories No 6 | Letters Tests No 7 | Applications Tests No 8 | Punctuations No 9 | Urdu Translation No 10 | Words - Synonyms No 11 | MCQs 12 | Short Plays - Book 3 No 13 | Essential Grammar in Use No 14 | Names of Poems and Poets No 15 Conditional Sentences 16 | TEST of VERB Correction Full Length Papers P1 The Oyster and the Pearl Play 2 No 15 | Download notes Your Feedback: WhatsApp Quit

Word-Synonyms Part 2

Words-synonyms Part 2 Write Correct Answer: WhatsApp

Use of common prepositions Test 5

Use of common Preposition to fill in the blanks 1. The birds are sitting ____ the tree. A) on B) at C) in D) for E) No Preposition ANSWER= (C) in Explanation: The brids are sitting in the tree. Check Answer 2. The stars are shining ___ the sky. A) on B) at C) in D) for E) No Preposition ANSWER= (C) in Explanation: The stars are shining in the sky. Check Answer 3. We reached ____ the station in time. A) on B) at C) in D) for E) No preposition ANSWER= (E) No Preposition Explanation: We reached the station in time. Check Answer 4. You can pass ____ the examination. A) on B) at C) in D) for E) No preposition ANSWER= (E) No preposition Explanation: You can pass the examination. Check Answer 5. The patient has been operated ____ A) to B) at C) in D) upon E) No preposition AN...