Pair of Words 1-100 (Notes)

Pair of Words Pairs of Words (Notes) Question 1: Makes sentences of the following Pair of words (1-10) " 1. Able, Capable 2. Accept, Except 3. Access, Excess 4. Accident, Incident 5. Accuse, Blame 6. Advice, advise 7. Add, Aid 8. Affect, Effect 9. Air, Heir 10. Amity, Enmity Show Correct Answer Write your name and Send via WhatsApp Question 2: Makes sentences of the following Pair of Words (11-20) 11. Ascent, Assent 12. Aught, Ought 13. Adapt, Adopt 14. Abstain, Refrain 15. Accede, Concede, Exceed 16. Admit, Confess 17. Affecttion, Affectation 18. Vocation, Vacation, Avocation 19. Adverse, Averse 20. Addition, Edition Show Correct Answer Write your name and Send via WhatsApp Question 3: Makes sentences of the following Pair or Words (21-30) 21. Abject, Object 22. Allowed, Aloud 23. Altar, Alter 24. Ail, Ale 25. Aisle, Isle 26. Areas, Arrears 27. Artist, Artiste, Artisa...