Unit 15| I have done (Present Perfect 1)

00:00:00:00 Stop Watch
Unit 14 | I was doing .. I did

Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Choose the correct option

  1. I work just now. (complete)
  2. I my passport. (lose)
  3. We a new car. (buy)
  4. Where is Ali? He to the supermarket. (go)
  5. I am looking for my lost pocketbook. you it? (see)
  6. Somebody the window. (break)
  7. It raining (stop)
  8. I my dirty shoes. (clean)
  9. you the latest movie? (watch). No, I . (has not/ have not)
  10. I can not find my umbrella. Somebody it. (take)
  11. Where you for so long? (has been/ have been)
  12. I know that woman but I her name. (forget)
  13. Sarah a lot of her friends to the party tonight (invite)
  14. Where are my glasses? I them (not/ see)
  15. The guests just .(arrive)
  16. Are you hungry? No, I just breakfast. (take)
  17. It is Rachel's birthday today, but I a gift for her. (not/ buy)
  18. Where Bob for the holidays? (go)
  19. She is tired so she to bed. (go)
  20. the students yet? (arrive)
  21. He the movie already. (see)
  22. I my keys. (lose)
  23. We to three countries this year. (travel)
  24. The cat the mouse (catch)
  25. She the book twice. (read)
  26. He never been to Paris. (been)

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