Verb correction in blanks- No. 13

Past Papers

Past Papers-Use the Correct form of the Verb

Instructions: Complete each sentencse with the correct form of the Verb.

  1. Barking dogs seldom . (bite)
  2. She bought a vegeburgar and it with relish. (eat)
  3. Children the windowpane while playing yesterday. (break)
  4. The match over when we reached. (been)
  5. The child now. (sleep)
  6. She has been in this college for four years.(teach)
  7. Money the mare go. (make)
  8. If we the hall, we would see them. (reach)
  9. She the exam before I did. (love)
  10. I am sure she if you ask her to join us. (come)
  11. The workers on strike since Friday. (have)
  12. It usually here in July-August.(rain)
  13. None of us to the party. (like)
  14. We in this city for ten years. (live)
  15. If she hard, she would have got good grades.(work)
  16. The sun in the East every day. (rise)
  17. She the exam before I did. (pass)
  18. Please, let me first. (go)
  19. They to Muree next year. (go)
  20. Does he some more money? (have)
  21. If we do not water the plants, they . (die)
  22. Had I it before, I would have not gone there. (know)
  23. If she had me, I would have helped her. (hurt)
  24. They home before the sun set. (reach)
  25. They have been for two hours. (drive)
  26. Two and two four. (make)
  27. Times once gone cannot be . (recall)
  28. She has her work already. (finish)
  29. He never a lies. (tell)
  30. She the store yesterday. (go)
  31. He for two hours. (study)
  32. They their house already. (sell)
  33. Children football in the street now. (play)
  34. They the exam next year with me. (take)
  35. If he the money, he would have paid the amount. (have)
  36. They for us when we reached the hall. (wait)
  37. Children usually to eat chololates. (like)
  38. The guests many gifts on my birth day last night. (bring)
  39. I usually take bus to work. I taxi yesterday.(take)
  40. The dog the whole night. It was scared. (bark)
  41. She the admission form by the end of next week. (submit)
  42. Have the children all the chocolates? (eat)
  43. If Sara had the letter, I would have got it. (write)
  44. We to play cricket in school.(use)
  45. She has been clothes since morning. (wash)
  46. My neighbour a new car yesterday. (buy)
  47. She a good novel last year.(write)
  48. I have never about their plan. (hear)
  49. We crops and children in future. (raise)
  50. My hen eggs the whole last year.(lay)
  51. He TV since morning. (watch)
  52. He was walking when he and hurt. (fall)
  53. We all the sums correctly so far. (solve)
  54. They to Muree next year. (go)
  55. We to watch the movie later. Do you want to come with us? (go)
  56. He all the dues already. (pay)
  57. Do you any money to buy this house? (have)
  58. Time once gone never back. (come)
  59. It heavily last night. (rain)
  60. We usually fresh fruit. (eat)

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