50 Important Phrasal Verbs & 50 Literary Devices in English Grammar

Important Phrasal Verbs 1-50 - Basic English Grammar
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25 Important Idioms-Worksheet No 2

25 Important Idioms- Worksheet 2

Instructions: Write ONE word of the Idiom in the blanks.

  1. Don't till tomorrow what you can do today. (put off/put in)
  2. The teacher asked to students their cell phones. (put on/put away)
  3. The company many argument to launch the project. (put forward/put out)
  4. You have to the form before leaving the hall.(fill up/fill in).
  5. The coach had to the injured players. (drop for/drop out)
  6. He has to his assignment before submitting it. (finish in/finish up)
  7. The workers have come to the broken pipes. (fix up/fix in)
  8. The players had to the opponents to win the match. (take in/ take up)
  9. The company will a new project in the country. (set out/ set up)
  10. The teacher asked students to the passage loudly. (read out/ read up)
  11. She needs to her hair before going to the party. (wash down/wash up)
  12. The company has to the prices of its products next month. (mark down/mark up)
  13. She has to her guitar skills before the concert. (brush up/brush down)
  14. She asked her students to their assignments on Monday. (turn out/turn in)
  15. The aeroplane will at 9 p.m. towmorrow. (take in/ take off)
  16. She has to her luggage before boarding the plane.(put away/put off)
  17. They of the law by not paying their taxes. (break off/break out)
  18. The athlete had to his training to recover from an injury. (break up/break off)
  19. He was his home at the age of 14. (cast out/cast up)
  20. Do not on his when someone is talking. (break in/break to)
  21. The woman will not for help. (call off/call out)
  22. I hope the weather will afternoon. (clear to/clear up)
  23. The government will the prices of wheat. (bring up /bring down)
  24. We shall on the journey early in the morning. (set out/set in)
  25. We shall what he says. (bear out/bear up)

Download pdf of
Worksheet 1 (Phrasal Verbs)

Worksheet of Literary Devices (1-50) - Worksheet No 2



Narcissus said…
I've done, Sir....First test: 20/25
Second test: 25/25...✨💮🌸🌷
Zainab Shehzadi said…
Thanks for it sir! Jazakallah 🌈🌟💫

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