Idioms - 26-50 idioms
Important Idioms 26-50 - Basic English Grammar
25 Important Idioms-Worksheet No 2

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25 Important Idioms- Worksheet 2
Instructions: Write ONE word of the Idiom in the blanks.
- Ali has burnt his by resigning the post.
- The Kashmir is a burning question these days.
- The two friends buried the and became friends again.
- By and the Quiad was above board in all his dealings.
- It has been raining by fits and since morning .
- He wants to become rich by hook or by in his business.
- Pakistan will make progress by leaps and in the long run.
- He is liked by everyone because he always called a spade ain his dealings.
- Baber carried thein the battle of Panipat.
- He always invents a cook and story to deceive his creditors.
- Husband and wife lead a cat andlife if a proper understanding does not exist.
- He was merely a cat's of older and clererer man.
- Pain and pleasure go cheek byin our life.
- A fair weather always leaves in the lurch.
- The clever child cried but nobody came to rescue him.
- All his efforts ended in and he left.
- A young man can easily falls a to bad habits these days.
- They fell of the law by not paying their taxes.
- Science is a cry from arts.
- My inspired moments are few and far in my life.
- A Muslim's first andduty is to pray to Allah Almighty.
- I jumped on the canal and Ahsan fallowedafter a minute.
- The clerk is on leave from the office today.
- The poor family lives from clerk is on to mouth these days.
- At last, he got of his bad friends.