IELTS- Self-assessment Test 2
Write the Correct form of the Verb to Fill in the Blanks No 1

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Verb Correction Worksheet 3
Instructions: Write the correct Form of the Verb.
- She's lost her keys. She's for them. (look)
- A man stopped me and me for money. (ask)
- I can't find my pen. What's to it. (happen)
- Does this book to you? (belong)
- Did you to Paul about the problem? (talk)
- He never about other people. (think)
- She's of going to Australia next week. (think)
- I never get letters. Nobody to me. (write)
- They want to advantage of current circumstances. (take)
- I must them before going there. (phone)
- Why are you at me like that? (look)
- They want to admission to the university.(get)
- Do you like reading? It on the book. (depend)
- She's a funny movie at present. (watch)
- What's happened. Nothing's to me. (happen)
- Children are chocolates eagerly. (eat)
- She's eggs in the fridge. (laying/laid)
- Do you like books? (read/reading)
- Mark is thinking of a new car. (buy)
- Don't forget to your mother. She's waiting for you. (phone)

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