Modal Verbs
Explanation: The mother can help the children in their studies.
2. You ____ ask me for any help yesterday.
Explanation: You could ask me for any help yesterday.
3. She can't ____ that job satisfactorily.
Explanation: She can't do that job satisfactorily.
4. He ____ make all the children write an essay today.
Explanation: He can make all the children write an essay.
5. All the children were made ___ their assignments last week.
Explanation: All the children were made to do their assignments last week. (passive voice)
6. Smoking can ___ his lungs.
Explanation: Smoking can damage his lungs.
7. They will ____ us soon at the party in the evening.
Explanation: They will join us soon at the party.
8. Sara did not get any chance ____ herself.
Explanation: Sara did not get any chance to avail herself (causative verb).
Click here to learn and attempt a Test of 'since and for'
10. The children made their parents ____ to go to the party.
Explanation: The children made their parents convince (active voice).
11. The children were made ____ their parents.
Explanation: The children were made to obey their parents (passive voice).
12. The Principal let the boys ____ in the class.
Explanation: The principal let the boys sit in the class.
To learn more
Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb
13. All the boys were made ____ the papers.
Explanation: All the boys were made to attempt the papers (passive voice).
14. He has got his brother ____ his notes already.
Explanation: He has got his brother to type his notes.
15. I got my suit ____.
Explanation: I got my suit pressed.
16. Nobody was made ____ the fee late.
Explanation: Nobody was made to pay the fee late. (passive voice).
17. She will make her kids ____ at home.
Explanation: She will make her kids study at home.
Click here to learn the SIX BASIC RULES for correction
18. She did not let her friends ____ her time.
Explanation: She did not let her friends waste her time.
19. They had gotten a new project ____ by the end of June.
Explanation: They had gotten a new project completed by the end of June.
Watch a detailed video on YouTube: Causative Verbs
20. Sara has ____ two friends in the class.
Explanation: Sara has got two friends in the class.
Explanation: We have got our teacher to guide us.
22. I do not have my notes ____ so far.
Explanation: I do not have my notes typed so far.
23. You don't let my time ____ on gossip.
Explanation: You don't let my time waste on gossip.
24. I cannot let you ____ the house today.
Explanation: I cannot let you leave the house today.
25. We shall never make our plans ____ wasted.
Explanation: We shall never make our plans go wasted.
26. The teacher has made all the students ____ the grammar rules.
Explanation: The teacher has made all the students follow the grammar rules.
27. She has made a new project ____.
C) rescheduling
Explanation: She has made a new project rescheduled.
28. He had his house ____ purple last year.
Explanation: He had his house painted purple last year.
Click here to watch lecture of Transitive & Intransitive Verbs
29. Did she get her friends ____ her annual fee?
Explanation: Did she get her friends ____ her annual fee?
30. We were made ____ our homework first.
Explanation: We were made to finish our homework first.
If you still have any questions regarding any question or you want any other worksheet to mark, comment in the box. Mark twice at least one worksheet daily.
Suggested books for you to study:
1. Essential Grammar in Use by Reymond Murphy
(Elementary level) (blank & white edition )
2. Essential Grammar in Use by Reymond Murphy
(Intermediate level)
3. Essential Grammar in Use by Reymond Murphy
(Advanced level)
4. Practical English Usage by Micheal Swan
5. Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar
6. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary -OALD