
Showing posts from December, 2024

Mixed Conditional Sentences

Mixed Conditional Sentences No. 5  1. If we had won the lottory, we ___ rich..   A) would been B) would be C) will be D) can be ANSWER= (B) would be Explanation: If we had won the lottory, we would be rich. (Past and Present situation) But we did not wind the lotter in the pas and we are not rich now.  Check Answer 2. If she worked hard, she ____ the exam easily. A) must be passed B) passes C) will pass  D) ) would pass ANSWER= (D) would pass Explanation:  If she worked hard, she would pass the exam easily now. But she did not work hard in the past and she is unable to pass the exam now. (Past and Present mixed)  Check Answer 3. If I were a bird, I ____ very happy now. A) would be B) will be  C) shall be D) am ANSWER= (A) would be Explanation:  If I were a bird, I would be very happy at present.  Check Answer 5. If he had taken French in high school,...

