Sequence of Tenses- Self Assessment Test No 4

Choose the correct option of the following: Subject-verb agreement is a very important English rule to study for any competitive exam. There are four options (A, B, C, D), and only one of them is grammatically correct. 1. The novice scientists had been working on the research project for almost three years before she _____ her groundbreaking discovery. A) makes B) have made C) has made D) made ANSWER= (D) Explanation: Past Perfect before the Simple Past Check Answer 2. _____ outside, I make hot chocolate and take it by the fireplace. A) Whichever it's cold B) However it's cold C) Whatever it's cold D) Whenever it's cold ANSWER= (D) Explanation: Simple Present Tense Check Answer 3. Recently, the largest bank in the area ____ its interest rate on loans; the directors _____ to stimulate borrowing...