Causative Verbs -Self-assessment Tests- in English Grammar for all Classes

Causative Verbs (let-get-have-make-help) in English Grammar. These are very important in written and speaking skills. Choose the correct option- Causative Verbs: 1. The mother let the children ____ to the party. A) going B) go C) goes D) to go ANSWER= (B) go Explanation: The mother let the children go to the party . Check Answer 2. She gets her brother ____ out of her college daily. A) to drop B) dropped C) drops D ) dropping ANSWER= (A) to drop Explanation: She gets her brother to drop out her college daily . Check Answer 3. She got her books ____. A) bind B) bound C) binding D) binds ANSWER= (B) bound Explanation: She got her books bound . Check Answer 5. He made all the children ____ an essay. A) wrote B) writing C) write D) writes ANSWER= (C) write Explanation:...