
Showing posts from November, 2021

Use semi colon in Punctuation - English for MDCAT NUMS CSS USAT NUST

Use Semi-colon in the following sentences:  Colon                a. Introduce a list             b. Qualify a sentence             c. Character + Dialogues Semicolon              a. Join two sentences             b. Separate items in a list Exercise 10  1. He must take everyone by surprise he must show that there was no nonsense about him. 2. The sudden his as he took his place at the dest on the dais the scowl he assumed to cover his inward nervousness. 3. For he did not he would have said care for women he never felt at home or at ease with them. 4. He used to hobble with sticks along a footpath leading to the tin church there was a stone slab on the wall. 5. Its luck however had been not so good the school went up and down dwindling almost to non-existence at one. 6. She was a governess out of a job with a little money saved up she read and admired Ibsen. 7. We have too many fumbles we lost the game. 8. I have big a big bread however I am hungry again. 9. Sara has gone to the gymnas

Unique Preposition No 6 for MDCAT NUMS USAT NUST
